Monday, March 12, 2012

Russ & Daughters

Smoked fish . . .  oh, smoked fish . . . forgive the Treasure Coast for its ignorance, and spread, spread your bliss!   Spread your bliss like cream cheese (non-whipped, of course) on a toasted split everything (preferably salt) New York bagel!  Fish and fish oil and material smokiness, spread your bliss, spread your bliss!   Oh, family, I will only return if I can spread this bliss, spread ths bliss!  No more time to sing; time to eat!

My first stop after deboarding at LGA on Friday morning was Russ & Daughters.  Check out the photos of their displays, diplays holding treasured goods, even treasured more than the over-looked herring.  This place is a g-dsend.  This will also be the last place I stop at Wednesday so I can spread, spread the bliss amongst mi familia.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your bliss-filled suggestion for me...ah yes, I remember it well!